Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
I wasn't around in that time period, but I really do think Detroit is on another level than NYC back then.

Non-yuppie Detroit is very, very difficult to traverse from a pedestrian's perspective, IMO. I have tried, as I enjoy urban exploration, but there are too many wild dog packs and potential human confrontations, and just horribly crappy sidewalks, crossings and lighting. You always have to have your guard up.

NYC, even in its worst years, was always pedestrian and transit oriented, so I think the pedestrian realm, perhaps by default, was not quite as daunting. Most people walked, because that's how you get around. In Detroit, most have a car, and a pedestrian is kind of a sitting duck.
Well, if your point is that lack of transit detracts from Detroit's walkability then yes, I agree. But I've walked through some high crime areas of Detroit with relative ease back in the day. The difference now is that there just isn't as much to walk to anymore. Also, let's not forget that Detroit's crime rate today is actually lower now than when it was a more "walkable" place in the 70s and 80s.