Quote Originally Posted by Király View Post
Bottom line - A Chinatown can't be designed. It will happen organically, and, just like the original Chinatowns were, be built by real Chinese people, where they already live, work, and shop. Its businesses, if they are to survive, will cater to the modern Chinese consumer. That means a new Chinatown, if it happens at all, will be an indoor Asian mall in Troy. Not in Midtown.
I couldn't agree more. Trying to force it or luring people in just isn't going to happen. Look at our very own Mexicantown and Greektown. None of these areas were planned. They just organically happened because a particular ethnicity decided to band together in those areas for comfort, security and more than likely- it was cheap for mass families to move in and work.

And maybe I'm too young to remember any "glory" that Detroit's Chinatown might've had back in the day. Where was the glory other than a few Chinese restaurants? Did I blink and miss something???