Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
I....wouldn't expect anyone all dressed up from a Mercedes to randomly do that
But, I'm guessing, being a vet, he's probably trained to respond aggressively from his former military training and living on streets.
For all I know, he could shank me for it. I can't even imagine a time where I've seen a panhandler in Detroit who didn't give off a vibe that he would yell at me or pounce if I did something to set him off like throw a drink at him.
That's not something I've observed and I'm sure most others haven't either.
I think you're making some big assumptions here

How do you know that the guy in the Mercedes who threw the drink didn't know him from before?
How the hell should I know?! I'm just telling you what I saw at the intersection. Was I supposed to flag him down and ask him, " Hey asshole, why'd you throw your drink on that bum?" Maybe I just assumed that Benzie was a pistol toten, job creatin, rightwing nut job from Oakland County down here in the "warzone" to pick up his weekly allowance of powder. Who knows what THEY are capable of....

But, probably not, right Dave?

To use that example to challenge the new panhandler law is so outrageous. I can't even go through this thread without having to respond to it.
Ummmm, that's funny. I dont remember writing anything that challenged the panhandler law in one way or another. Time to invest in some reading glasses Dave.

Your story sounds very rare and really out of the ordinary to make your case and I'm willing to bet there was something more to it.
Maybe it's just rare that its ever reported. I mean who gives a shit about a worthless, violent, liquor addled bum, am I right?