DT: Hopefully adequate city services are not waiting on you as us and me as them. Would be nice to think every city employee sees it as waiting on we. Just as citizens should. Withstanding...

Giving away a 3000sf headache as an incentive may not be for everyone but was a step in the right direction. Some bought in. Cash however seems more universal. But again, $1000-$2000 a year may just sway another few ...$5000 even a few more than that. What would be so wrong? There are many things that make an employee extraordinarily valuable beyond just showing up and doing the job [[albeit well). For this arguments sake...residency is one.

I'd rather have my life than an incentive upon retirement. I'd rather have my trash picked up and not worry about break ins than an incentive. I'd rather have EMS here if I am having a heart attack [[cops and firemen are at a high risk for such things) than to have an incentive.

Amen...me too.

The idea of incentivising residency holds no misgivings as a panacea. As one of many required catalysts?....sure

And to answer your question about something going wrong when Officer Smith went to work...it's happening while he's home and he's powerless to do anything about it. It's not his own kids running amok. It's the thugs that feel some sort of loyalty to a street sign.

That question was almost rhetorical. If our hypothetical Officer Smith did in fact see that on his block and was powerless or afraid, something is wrong at the workplace. If Fire Fighter Jones has to watch people burned alive in houses on his block, again back to the workplace. It's their day jobs to see that that doesn't happen. Wouldn't have thought that our they [[now two heros) would have chosen to live in that rough of a neighborhood....but since they did. It would certainly drive the point home. The same point they'ed take to work in the morning.
