Quote Originally Posted by mam2009 View Post
Ditto and ditto. I just finished watching the two hour Emergency City Council Session from Monday morning and am more convinced than ever that the State is, indeed, bullying [[by attempting to extort) the City into forcing Ms. Crittendon to drop her motion for declaratory judgment on the validity of the consent agreement. The Mayor, the CFO and the rest of the Mayor's advisers made it very clear that the state is arbitrarily choosing not to allow the City access to funds that will allow the City to remain solvent for the remaining three weeks of the City's fiscal year. They indicated that the City has not violated the consent agreement in any way. The State just doesn't like that Ms. Crittendon has asked for a judge to make a decision on this legal question so the State has said it is cutting off our funds just because they can -- not because they have to.

If the State should carry out its threat of denying the City access to funds that will keep it solvent by week's end, it would be a shame if an EM was installed without at least one of the major media outlets telling the story of how the State is burning down the house just to get rid of a rat [[someone else used that analogy earlier on this thread). So all you e ditorial writers, columnists, consumer reporters, defenders, problem solvers, hall of shamers, let it rippers, flashpointers, spotlighters, black journalers, chroniclers, please don' drink the Governor's Kool-Aid. Challenge him on this. The Mayor and the CFO made it clear today that the City has in no way violated any of the terms of the consent agreement. So why would the Governor threaten to behave as if they did? And why would the Governor try to extort the City's elected officials into firing the Corporation Counsel for doing her job by threatening not to allow the City access to its funds? This is outrageous! I'm done.
Step back a second and reassess this. You're seeing quite a conspiracy here.

'Denying fund' -- perhaps they are owed. Perhaps not. But this obviously isn't 'news'. This is old dirt just stirred up.

The governor has a plan that he started w/ Gov. Granholm to withhold money from the city? Why on earth? This makes no sense whatsoever.

The governor wants to do what? Take 'control' of the city? Why in heaven would he spend this tremendous amount of energy and long-term planning to do this?