It's obviously going to take some time for people to understand that the free ride is over. Not just in Detroit, but everywhere. Taxes pay for essentials these days, and parks are not on the essentials list. I pay $25 per year to park at a very small National Forest site, where all I do is run. I don't use it for anything else. The thing is, they are always maintaining it, adding small bridges where water run off damages the path, etc. It's $25.. really, I can't tell you how small of an amount $25 is without coming off like an ass. For State of Michigan residents, you will pay $10, for the same privilege, at a 1000 x nicer location, plus all the other State parks. I don't get the fuss at all. This has to be done. Has to. There is no other way around it. Personally, I think the fee should have been higher, which would maybe lead to making it a truly world class park. This is a no brainer. State run or city run, paying a fee not only makes sense, it's the right thing to do. Period. There is no other side to this debate.