Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
That point can't be overestimated. In poor inner cities like Detroit you have a lot of untreated mental illness. These people tend to self medicate using illegal drugs which makes the situation worse. Whats worse these folks tend to not be easy to reason with. Sociopaths, bi-polar, folks with schizophrenia symtoms etc without the family and support mechcanisms that more well off families have when dealing with the same issues.
Sorry but thats an excuse. There is absolutely no excuse for shooting someone that has handed over her purse after you demanded. NONE. This woe is me mentality is the reason why Detroit has turned into a crime infested shithole. People need to stop defending the thugs and giving them bullshit excuses. Its not mental illness, its the ghetto thug mentality. Its the lets drive around in our impala with guns and then shoot up a house and drive off. Fucking low lives.