Quote Originally Posted by Pickford-Bentler View Post
If demographics based on race was a prime factor comparison of the murder rate of Detroit vs Windsor, then how does one explain the very low murder rate of Southfield, Michigan?

Why does Southfield have the same long term murder rate as Warren, if race was a primary determining factor?

Why does Moscow, Russia have a long term murder rate about ten times that of Southfield, Michigan, if dark skin tone was a major factor in determining murder rates?

Why does Senegal have one of the lowest murder rates in the world?

In the case of Senegal both the assumption of black skin tone and poverty fall by the wayside.

My point is that the problem is very complex.
I agree the problem is complex. Suppose you surrounded the people of Senegal with a population five times larger and ten times wealthier. You then bombarded them with messages that reinforced the belief that wealth is good and poverty is bad.