Damn, where'd you find TIN? All I can buy is aluminum...or as the Brits say, aluminium.

That said, your imagined continuation is not beyond consideration. Start with flouride added to drinking water, like the overt Nazis did in their internment camps to make everyone docile and easily led. Add a mesmerizing individual screen for 'entertainment'. Don't forget to let everyone know that if they only watch it for 4 hours or less per day they are 'above average'.

I would wager that this interrupting sleep patterns is designed to get more folks on sleep-aiding and daytime behavioral pharmeceuticals, and increase the amount of night-time drinking and drug consumption. Anything to keep the populace distracted and disengaged...not thinking for themselves, but content to simply absorb everything the telly and computer serve up as their convenient 'truths'. No need to waste energy with that troublesome critical thinking.

Better to squelch all doubt first...and make the doubters look like fools. Sometimes they help!

Where's that tin foil, dude?
