The OTSC made a lot of mistakes in my opinion.
Once Harwell left they didn't have anyone who was a recognizable personality.
They needed a Jeff Daniels type person or a former Tigers player[[s) who could draw more attention to their organization.

They should have made the donations refundable if the deal fell apart. After 10 years and many extensions to raise money this deal seemed shaky at best. There was no way I was going to give them my money in this bad economy if there was no chance I could get it back if their plan didn't go forward.

I sent them an email this past September and stated that needed some answers to a few questions before I made a decision on whether I was going to contribute to their organization. They never responded to my email. I sent the same email a few weeks later and again no response. Someone already mentioned this, but they appeared to be disorganized in how they went about things.

I would have loved to see something done with what remains of TS, but I never felt all that confident that the OTSC was competent enough to pull it off.