Well Once again the obvious agenda of destroying Our government from the inside out thru defunding it has moved forward very quickly and with a purpose.

Whats happening is not a mistake.
1.Tax breaks
2. Privatization
3. Tax cuts
all serve the exact same purpose, destroy the federal and then state and local governments thru defunding them.

Discredit federal or local workers as lazy and freeloaders then leave Washington for a month of Freaking vacation spending the corporate dollars that they so effectively protect.

Reagan said this was the agenda and these modern Economic Terrorists are implementing it thru the attack on the American citizen and her institutions.

The state of Michigan voters approved of this agenda thru their vote in November, so I guess most people are happy about it.

I am so stunned by the passive head in the sand dismay of America's citizens to this blatant destruction of our way of life and the defunding of the American infrastructure and dreams of its citizens.

We've cut taxes on people who do nothing to invest in our country because the Right Wing said so. This is our doom and we are doing nothing about it but going along with the agenda of terrorists.

Enjoy because it just gets worse from here.

If Osama Bin Laden could have cost[[ fired) so many Americans their livelihoods in such a short period of time it would be the largest financial terror attack in the world, but since elected officials and American businessmen have done it it's been deemed OK.

Not by me though.

Completely Disgusted Citizen