Where to start?

1. The pending federal charges have nothing to do with the party, and nothing to do with the whistleblower trial and settlement. These things [[the party, trial and settlement) are probably not what started everything. What probably started everything is this: banks are required [[by the Patriot Act) to report certain suspicious banking activity to the FBI. A bank reporting Kwame's, Bernard's and Bobby Ferguson's banking activity most likely is what started all of this. In other words, they brought the scrutiny on themselves.

2. Why should anybody in DPD Internal Affairs need permission from the chief to investigate the mayor? The mayor is not outside the scope of the law. This kind of privileged thinking is what gets people in trouble.

3. "So [Mike Stefani] violates a court order and sends a fake subpoena to the text provider." Mike Stefani never sent anyone a fake subpoena.

4. "[Mike Stefani] then gives the messages showing Mayor [Kwame Kilpatrick] had cheated on his wife to the local newspaper." That's not what made the text messages newsworthy.

5. "The State Police, AG and every other agency in the state spent millions of dollars trying to find out whether this party happened or not." I guarantee that millions of dollars were not spent.

6. "[Gary Brown] was unappointed from his position cause he was looking into things that he wasn't assigned to, and things that was not illegal. He then retired as a deputy chief, receives his pension and all other retirement benefits. [Alvin Bowman] does the same, so does [Harold Nelthrope]."

This statement, to me, confirms that you are in the Kilpatrick inner circle -- it is the combination of two things that says that to me:

[[1) the positive spin put on these officers losing their jobs [[kept the title! received pension! received other benefits!) is straight out of the Kwame playbook, and

[[2) the use of the word "unappointed", which should be trademarked by Kwame as he is unwavering in his use of that word to describe the circumstances. That word is not even in the dictionary, but it's a main tenet of Kwame's PR campaign, that the officers were "unappointed".