this news broadcast is really the pits. i cant stand the fat pig that does traffic and weather. who did she fuck to get that job? shes horrible. she cant flow 2 sentences together without fumbling her words. do i really need JAY TOWERS to tell me how dangerous fireworks and PLASTIC SWORDS are? PLEASE he has a manikin head bolted on a platform hovering inches above a fountain firework. gee i wonder whats gonna happen when you shoot fire on a piece of plastic? go back on the radio douch bag! should i give my kids cookies??? what the fuck kind of news is this? how many people get sick from sand on the beach??? HOW IS THAT NEWS? oh no jay towers is back. Hes got his big ass aviator sunglasses on, your soo cool ! i can't wait for you to come back after the commercial and tell me why fireworks that fly off the ground are illegal!!! have you ever seen the fake photoshop pictures of the Detroit skyline they show ? it so completely half-assed it looks re-god-damn-ridiculous!!! NEWS: "research say kids that eat fast food and candy are less likely to be obese" really..REALLY??? how in the fuck is this news???? BACK TO JAY TOWERS... where here live in the parking lot, with my big black boyfriend firefighting brother to show me why a "bottle rocket on steroids" is so fucking dangerous. epic fail. they shot it off and it went of just fine... NO FIRES! ok lets bolt the bottle rocket to a camera tripod [[ because thats what we all do on the forth ) and light it... hum fireman says its still hot.. good thing i don't shoot fireworks in a OIL REFINERY ok cool. ADVICE FOR SHY PEOPLE... they have some witch hook-nose doctor on the fox2 love couch. "HOW DO I KNOW IF I AM SHY" well she tell us news flash : "STUDIES SHOW THAT MOST PEOPLE FEEL SHY EVERY NOW AND THEN" no fucking shit! arggg... these girls need to just start makin out... on a sadder note.. 2 fat fucks had kids now the fat dad is dead and fat mom is dyeing.. so we need to donate money to these fat kids... argh poor kids oh man the indian guy was doing a lead in to a video... they were 2 slow to kick in the video.. so hes looking at the camera like " hello... uhhh kick in the video... uhh hello " he almost falls over then they kick in the video at the last moment lol HAHA ... no... i cant believe the firework sound effects on the bumpers. its like some one is hitting the exact same effect over and over to quickly and cutting out the audio from the previous sound... REALLY ? whos in charge over there? highschool kids? sports? ok quick and to the point. the dude has excellent command of the English language [[unlike me), and sounded really good.. but.... THE COW IS BACK to tell me how horrible the weather is going to be on my FUCKING VACATION... maybe she is a dude, i dont know she has a very manly face. bitch GET OF THE DAMN RED BULLS you keep stuttering. BACK TO JAY TOWERS AND THE ANTI FIREWORKS SWAT TEAK they got a nice new manikin with a polyester shirt... their stupid sword sparkler didnt get it to catch on fire... so cut to the tower cam while gay boyfriend brother fire fighter sticks a roman candle on it and really lights the fucker on fire... I AM A INSPIRED TO BE A PYRO NOW THANKS ALOT FOX 2 !