Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
English, the current city government rec'd an offer from the commander if Selfridge Air Base to secure and preserve the Armoury. I saw an email he later sent to interested parties in which he said that he had no reply from the Mayor at all. This transpired in 2011.
So it is not true that the "funders" abandoned the City on this and it is certainly not true that the City does "not have the money" because the City only needs to board it up, secure it and keep it a scout car priority. But there is no will. You have to ask yourself why. I conclude that the Armoury is a white legacy and so dispensable.
Look, I am not, nor have I ever been, white. I care about preservation. Unfortunately, not every black person in Detroit has any access to the working of the city government. Stop with the race-baiting and put the blame where it belongs -- NOT on an entire group of people.