
I am an urban planning student in Boston and I am hoping to tap the collective knowledge of real Detroiters to find out which neighborhoods they find most desirable.

If you live in the Detroit region, PLEASE help me out by taking 2 minutes to fill out this form: http://detroit.echodose.net/reports/submit

My project, "Detroit Desire Map," consists of a brief survey about where you live, what factors determine where you choose to live, and what other neighborhoods appeal to you. The end product will be a sort of "crowdsourced" map of the strongest neighborhoods which captures subjective realities beyond vacancy and demographics statistics.

The premise of my project is that any urban planning study of Detroit is meaningless without the input of real people--I can't do this without you! For more information on the project, see here: http://detroit.echodose.net/page/index/1

You can also contact me with any questions or comments at detroitdesiremap@gmail.com

Thank you!