Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
Maxx, you are correct. Unfortunately, it doesn't change the fact that NO!bama is a loser. Where's NO!bama been the last couple of months while protests are going on in Madison, Lansing and Columbus? What did he do in Libya other than possibly drag us into another Iraq/Afghanistan? And without consulting congress. The very criticism he made of Bush's forays. What's happening with budget discussions? Bottom line: NO!bama is in over his head. He's an academic/corporatist elite. His ideas and goals were and are nothing new, unusual and visionary. Nothing remotely resembling 'Change You can Believe In'. The demicans need another presidential candidate. NO!bama will campaign our pants off and then proceed to give away the rest of the house if elected.
As much as I understand where you going with this rant we are not going to see a true progressive get elected to the WH. The Dems aren't going to run anybody against him, a third party candidate can't realistically win and all the Repubs are too far to the right to beat him, and the one that is moderate [[Rommey) can't explain away the fact that "Obamacare" is based on his plan.

I believe Obama would be more progressive if forced to be, but the progessives out there need to have his back. If having someones back means losing one house of congress and almost losing the other house in the last election then I would play it straight down the middle like he's doing.