Quote Originally Posted by skyl4rk View Post
I have to agree that this law is being written for the COD. Benton Harbor was a test case and the Council acted like a bunch of idiots, so now they know how to change the law to prevent shenanigans in Detroit.

The thing that concerns me the most about the current situation is that they are only talking about the locals as having problems, or better said being the problem. The reality is that it is the state with the biggest budget problem. Where are the cuts at the state level? Where is discussion happening on how to reduce the state budget? Instead they are acting as if the problem was created by the locals.

Take away the traditional funding sources for cities and schools, cause the weak jurisdictions to go into deficit mode, and use the EFM to clean up. The funding that you take away from the locals goes to keep the state bloatocracy fat. Use the headlines caused by local budget problems to shift the public eye away from the state problems. Is this the Republican action plan?
After reading the 18 requirements that could trigger the need for a EFM, I knew this was for Detroit. Let's say that Kilpatrick is still mayor. Barbara Rose-Collins, Monica Conyers and Martha Reeves are still on the council and Detroit still has its debt. An EFM can come in, face an arrogant mayor and a hostile council and "bam" out goes the mayor and council because the EFM has been given the authority to remove elected officials. That's just too much power.