Quote Originally Posted by BrushStart View Post
That's interesting..

Well, I just sort of surprised myself. As it turns out, Michigan ranks 30/50 for states with the oldest population. As of 2003, only 12.3% of Michigan's population was over 65. Florida ranked #1 with 17.6% of its population older than 65. The youngest state is Alaska, with a minuscule 5.7% of its population over 65. So, maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of this than it truly is. I will say that in the Metro area, it seems like the population is comparatively older than ever. It could be that pockets of younger folks have become more concentrated. All numbers aside, I am still concerned, but perhaps the issue of babyboomers reaching retirement age is more widespread than I thought and not simply limited to states like Michigan. Even Oregon is no exception, as 12.8 of its population is older than 65.

Here's the link: http://www.prb.org/Articles/2003/Whi...theOldest.aspx
Maybe next time you should check the statistics before you make statements that are not based on fact.