As a few posters brought up Texas.

It was announced today Texas will get 4 new seats. Before this election the state house had one more GOP than Dem and that GOP was a former Dem and a swing vote. After this election the GOP controls all branches of gov and will try to draw all GOP seats.

Michigan State and U of Michigan alum who have some rivalry may relate to this. My son who had just turned 18 and is somewhat well-known in my part of the state testified before the legislative committee and he was flawless in the knowledge of our State Senate and House Districts. None of the Aggie reps could fluster him so finally one asked "How come you choose the University of Texas over Texas A&M" Huey replied "Because I want an education".

Someone on here also said one day Texas may go blue, but the national party puts no funds into Texas and there is absolutely no small county strategy for Dems. Texas has 254 counties and the 200+ rural ones can make the difference in many elections.