We used to go down to the WGPR TV studios on East Jefferson on Saturday mornings to watch the tapings. It was free to get in but I don't think too many people knew about it. They had some small metal bleachers set up and they bussed in some people from a half way house. Needless to say it was a crazy scene. Saw the Sheik, a very small Randy Savage pre steroid use, Austin Idol, Baron Von Roshke, Pancho Villa, the mad dog guy that always barked, and many others. It was fun to watch them tape the hyped up promo interviews that sometimes took a few takes. This was the same studio they filmed the dance show The Scene in, we could see some of the props for that show along the walls. We'd go home and watch the show later in the afternoon on TV. Years later while living in Hawaii I came home drunk one night about 3am and turned on my TV. One of the old tapes was on and I could see myself and my buddies sitting in the stands. It was surreal.