Quote Originally Posted by hhockey View Post
If we are only talking about repopulating Detroit with Police and fire personal to increase the tax base, should we then require Detroit auto plant workers to live in Detroit? For that matter should any person who owns a busines in Detroit or works in a business in Detroit be required to live in Detroit? Why should police officers and fire fighters be the only ones required to live in Detroit? Lets be real no person should be denied a job if he is well qualified no matter where he lives. Many people choose to live in Detroit for many reasons, and many have left Detroit because of its crime problem. Lets forget about residency and hire people who are qualified.
Okay, I get what you are trying to say[[I think?), but understand that city workers draw a city paycheck - if you work for an auto company, in the example you cited, you don't work for the city. I'm pretty sure in our free enterprise society there is no way to force a private company to hire employees from the city their said operations are in.

It isn't rocket science - like I said, we did this for many years - you draw a city paycheck, you have to live in the city. This has nothing to do with private enterprise.