Quote Originally Posted by Django View Post
So Stosh, you advocate putting people in jail if they use drugs? Oops, let me correct myself, drugs you deem dangerous.

This is not about me Stosh or whatever lifestyle you perceive I live, this is about almost one million people serving time in prison for so called drug crimes. The drug war is a failure, you can go on hoping its going to accomplish something and cry about how you almost died because of the choices you made or you can get with the program and realize that you cannot stop addiction but only work with it. You cannot stop the flow of drugs but you could regulate it. You could efficiently tax the evil to help those that want help. Im glad you stopped your drugging ways, we all know a few who have fallen to its hell. I argue that the drugs could be regulated so that overdoses are unheard of. Im betting your friends died of overdoses or HIV, both preventable if the drugs were regulated and clean needles were available. Im bettin ten bucks I know more ppl that have died from legal booze than so called illegal drugs that have killed your friends.

Cramps my style, have we met? do you know me? Obviously not. If my attitude makes you sad well then Im really sorry about that misconception you have.

You want to have a legal beer or a smoke let me know, IM me, Im down, then you can get to know me, your buyin though.

Let me ask you again, Do you advocate putting people in jail if they use drugs? Please, answer my question.
Yes, and No. Yes because it probably stops them from the behavior, and no because it costs too much. Decriminalize MJ and that's it. I'm really for getetically manipulating coca and poppy plants to destroy the potential creation of these drugs, ever. So until that day, whatever.