Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
Because news should be new. Not tired old same meaninglessness. Union and progressive types marching? You know what else didn't make the news? Pigeons pooping, fish swimming and air airing.
But Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party nutballs who want to "take America back" to enforce their own theocratic version of the Contitution and to make America safe for Dick Armey and his buddies in the oil industry to plunder are news? They sure as hell got wall-to-wall coverage of their little pro-corporate, pro-war, anti-compassion, God hates everyone but straight right-wing Christian American white people, love-in a few weeks back.

Progressives, on the other hand, struggling for such un-American values as healthcare, jobs, safer working conditions, a living wage, rebuilding our cities, clean water and air, peace, and the freedom to be who you are, get no coverage at all. In fact, they get ignored as if they are the nutjobs, and such values are beyond the pale in today's America.

Tells you something about the real priorities in this brave new country of ours.