I think it's funny how some people in this thread are fretting about losing tax base, and losing tourism. Seriously if that's the case, Detroit is really screwed if strip clubs are the cornerstone of your tax base.

But I call b.s. You can build a nightclub destination without strip clubs, and even without trashy bars.

I live over by the Rush street area in Chicago and on any given night you'll find thousands of bar and club patrons enjoying the night life until 4 am. When Daley cleaned up this area from a red light district long ago, a bunch of classy restaurants and bars open, new high end hotels, and more college type of bars. It attracts a large demographic of people off all ages, races, nationalities, and income. During the day, bars become restaurants and cafes, and are appealing to the residents who live in the area. One of the reasons I moved to this neighborhood was because it is a nice place day and night.

Certainly the most important point is it attracts plenty of people from Michigan. It's not uncommon for me to meet Michiganders in the neighborhood and say they come to the Rush Street because they have nothing like it back home. If they wanted the strip clubs, they'd go down to the West Loop, but it's always a deadzone down there.