Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
Whatever else comes up in this extremely sad incident, I would hope that it would cause the police to reconsider throwing grenades through windows into rooms that may be occupied by innocent people, and in particular children.

The most shocking thing about this to me is the 'blast first, ask questions later' aspect of setting off a giant bang in the living room of people who have no reason to expect such a thing is going to happen. It's one thing when you throw something like that into a place where you know the suspect, and only the suspect, is hiding. It's quite another thing when you throw it into a family's home where you think a suspect might be, with callous disregard for anyone else who may be in that dwelling.
I don't know what the procedure is for using those things, I've only seen them on television, but I would think they would only use them when they are 100% sure there are no innocent civilians there, like if they were barging into a warehouse or something. I mean, in a home - what if there was a baby crib right next to the window? With a sleeping baby? Or an elderly person napping on the sofa? I can't imagine doing that without knowing what's on the other side of the window. Especially in a family dwelling, its not like it an abandoned home that was verified to be a crackhouse and had been surveyed for a period of time and confirmed that there were only drug addicts in there. Can't wait to see what Fieger really has to reveal.