I agree that the call on the Too Many Men on the Ice HAD to be called. That wasn't a judgement call by the refs. It was plain as day. What if there was no call, Commodore had played the puck, headmanned it up to a speedy winger and they would've scored on the Wings because he had an unfair advantage of stepping onto the ice too quickly? That's the flip-side of the coin. The referees made the right call on a very very basic rule that is pretty clear cut and like Downriveira said, it's something taught from a very early age. The smart thing to have done was just not touch the puck, let it go by, wait for his team mate to climb aboard the bench and then go retrieve the puck. There was no pressure on him whatsoever from the Wings at that point.

Hockey's won and lost on boneheaded plays such as this. This time, unfortunately for the Blue Jackets- their number was due.