Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
10th Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

{for this, you shall have to prove that it is NOT designated in the Constitution. and FYI, the Courts have held, since it's inception that "providing for general welfare" has the broad interpretation modern liberals give it. that is over 200 years of rulings by folks FAR more well versed in such things than either you or I}
Actually, the states have powers under "providing for the general welfare" and the Feds have none. Feds get their power from having the ever expanding powers to regulate commerce and give away their money and by their money, the Court really means our money. For example, the Feds can't force states to limit drinking to 21, but they can take away almost all highway funding if a state doesn't comply. The Feds can also regulate how much food you grow in your garden because if everyone in Michigan had a garden, it COULD affect the price of produce in California so it "affects interstate commerce".

And this has not existed for 200 years. This interpretation only came into existance after FDR got upset that the US Supreme Court repeatedly ruled the US Consitution prohibited the Fed's from implementing the New Deal. It only came into existance after he threatened to expand the Court so it would be comprised of dozens of Justices who believed we had been "misinterpreting" our Constitution all along. Now, you can understand the difference between strict constructionalists and judicial activists.