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  1. #1

    Default Bush'sThird Term - Obama!

    Just thought of a bumper sticker I have. It said: Bush's Third Term - McCain. I just changed it to say: Bush's Third term - Obama. Whaddya think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Just thought of a bumper sticker I have. It said: Bush's Third Term - McCain. I just changed it to say: Bush's Third term - Obama. Whaddya think?
    He's not that bad.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Just thought of a bumper sticker I have. It said: Bush's Third Term - McCain. I just changed it to say: Bush's Third term - Obama. Whaddya think?
    Print up a bunch of those and buy yourself a booth at the next teabaggers convention and sell them. They will either love you and you'll sell out, or they'll punch you in the mouth... I don't know which just yet.

  4. #4


    He's not that bad.
    Are you serious?

    In Nov. 2008, the voters' disgust with George Bush and the Republican Congress was such that any old Democrat could win, and did. Fifteen short months later, Obama, with the "aid" of Reid and Pelosi and their filibuster-proof Senate and a solid Democrat majority in the House, has managed to alienate not only his Democratic base, but also the independents who gave him a historical opportunity to enact his promised "hope and change". Their overreach, bungling and inability to pass promised key measures such as "cap and trade" and "health care" bills, coupled with Obama's backtracking on so many of his promised policy changes, has resulted in a massive loss of trust in this administration.

    • Obama's first act as President was to authorize a 12 month process resulting in the closure of Guantanamo - 13 months later, how's that kind of change working out?
    • He announces that his Justice Department will give KSM a criminal trial in New York City, then he is forced to backtrack; where will it end up being held - in Guantanamo?
    • Rather than interrupt his golf vacation in Hawaii, Obama sends out his DHS Secretary, Janet Napolitano, to reassure the country that the underpants bomber shows that "the system worked".
    • He campaigned on a promise that there would be no place or role in his administration for lobbyists, then he goes and puts dozens of lobbyists on his transition team. He then later issues waivers to hire 16 lobbyists in violation of the executive order he proudly signed upon taking office. He then invites representatives of the drug manufacturers to the White House and in a closed-door meeting, cuts an $80 billion deal with them to get their endorsement of his health care reform "plan".
    • He promised as a candidate that all negotiations and debate on health care reform would be televised on C-SPAN. We're still waiting.......
    • one day Obama's trashing Wall Street bonus recipients, the next day he's praising them - which is it?
    • he once promised that he would only increase taxes on the wealthy who make more than $250K, and now he's weasel-wording that committment.
    • Obama never misses an opportunity to tell us that he inherited a mess from George W. Bush, yet he sends his mouthpiece Joe Biden out to claim credit for victory in the Iraq war, a war that was won by Bush's "surge", which he and then-Senator Obama once so fervently opposed.

    By any measure, the Obama presidency in just 13 months has been a self-inflicted disaster on a scale at least equal, if not beyond that of George Bush's two terms in office.
    Last edited by Mikeg; February-12-10 at 10:10 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Both Bush II and Obama were in the tank for people who paid their ways and lobbied their causes. The people pulling the strings are coming from different ideals, but nonetheless, people pulling their strings are in control.

    We haven't had a true leader in the White House in decades.

  6. #6


    This administration is riddled with amateurs, from the top down:Obama is in danger of becoming known as the "Jimmy Carter of the 21st Century".

  7. #7


    President Obama is doing fine.

  8. #8


    Of course he is. It's the rest of us that are suffering.

  9. #9


    How are you suffering?

    Quote Originally Posted by Det_ard View Post
    Of course he is. It's the rest of us that are suffering.

  10. #10
    Bearinabox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    How are you suffering?
    The evil socialists are stealing all his hard-earned money and wasting it on evil socialist paved roads and evil socialist bridges that don't collapse and evil socialist trains that run on time and...Christ, I'm all out of breath. Are the evil socialists stealing the oxygen out of my air now?

  11. #11



  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by jiminnm View Post
    Lotta folks with buyers' remorse these days, on the right and on the left.

  13. #13
    Bearinabox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jiminnm View Post
    See, here's where Obama is more than a little naive. He thinks he can win over yahoos like the owner of that pickup truck [[whose mind was made up long before Obama even took office) by talking straight to them, making them aware of the situation we face, and inviting them to be part of the solution. They responded by painting crude messages on the backs of pickup trucks, mailing teabags to elected officials, and showing up at rallies with stuffed monkeys and signs equating Obama with Hitler.

    It always confuses me when people call Obama an elitist--I think he's giving Americans far more credit than we deserve.

  14. #14


    Quote: "President Obama is doing fine."

    How so? All he's done has been to introduced pipe-dreams that are impossible with him as President, because he and his cabinet will not stand up to special interests. Borrow money and spend it on nonsense while the economy is headed off of a cliff. I've pretty much made up my mind, he isn't the guy that will fix our economy. No spine, and quite frankly I don't think he is smart enough.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "President Obama is doing fine."

    How so? All he's done has been to introduced pipe-dreams that are impossible with him as President, because he and his cabinet will not stand up to special interests. Borrow money and spend it on nonsense while the economy is headed off of a cliff. I've pretty much made up my mind, he isn't the guy that will fix our economy. No spine, and quite frankly I don't think he is smart enough.
    Tell me this... who in Washington who wasn't already in the pockets of the special interest has stood up to them. And if they happen to stand up to them, what happen to him and his party long-term. You might find a few long serving House members who are immune to special interest and Bernie Sanders in the Senate, but he is a different case.

    See its easy to say that politicans should stand up to the special interest, just like the telling the Mafia informer he should testify in court against his Mafia bosses.
    Sounds good, but if you're not stategic about it, there is a real price you and your party is going to pay.

    BTW regardless of your opinion Obama will go down in history as one of the smartest presidents we ever had.

  16. #16


    Last edited by barnesfoto; February-13-10 at 03:09 AM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Bearinabox View Post
    See, here's where Obama is more than a little naive. He thinks he can win over yahoos like the owner of that pickup truck [[whose mind was made up long before Obama even took office) by talking straight to them, making them aware of the situation we face, and inviting them to be part of the solution. They responded by painting crude messages on the backs of pickup trucks, mailing teabags to elected officials, and showing up at rallies with stuffed monkeys and signs equating Obama with Hitler.
    Actually, Obama is anything but naive. He understands he's in a damn-if-you-do, damn-if-you-don't situation. If he doesn't try and win over the yahoos then he is an
    elitist who doesn't care about the common folk. So he does it knowing he won't win them over. He rather take a hit for being naive, rather than being elitist.

    Same deal with bi-partisanship.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Are you serious?

    In Nov. 2008, the voters' disgust with George Bush and the Republican Congress was such that any old Democrat could win, and did. Fifteen short months later, Obama, with the "aid" of Reid and Pelosi and their filibuster-proof Senate and a solid Democrat majority in the House, has managed to alienate not only his Democratic base, but also the independents who gave him a historical opportunity to enact his promised "hope and change". Their overreach, bungling and inability to pass promised key measures such as "cap and trade" and "health care" bills, coupled with Obama's backtracking on so many of his promised policy changes, has resulted in a massive loss of trust in this administration.

    • Obama's first act as President was to authorize a 12 month process resulting in the closure of Guantanamo - 13 months later, how's that kind of change working out?
    • He announces that his Justice Department will give KSM a criminal trial in New York City, then he is forced to backtrack; where will it end up being held - in Guantanamo?
    • Rather than interrupt his golf vacation in Hawaii, Obama sends out his DHS Secretary, Janet Napolitano, to reassure the country that the underpants bomber shows that "the system worked".
    • He campaigned on a promise that there would be no place or role in his administration for lobbyists, then he goes and puts dozens of lobbyists on his transition team. He then later issues waivers to hire 16 lobbyists in violation of the executive order he proudly signed upon taking office. He then invites representatives of the drug manufacturers to the White House and in a closed-door meeting, cuts an $80 billion deal with them to get their endorsement of his health care reform "plan".
    • He promised as a candidate that all negotiations and debate on health care reform would be televised on C-SPAN. We're still waiting.......
    • one day Obama's trashing Wall Street bonus recipients, the next day he's praising them - which is it?
    • he once promised that he would only increase taxes on the wealthy who make more than $250K, and now he's weasel-wording that committment.
    • Obama never misses an opportunity to tell us that he inherited a mess from George W. Bush, yet he sends his mouthpiece Joe Biden out to claim credit for victory in the Iraq war, a war that was won by Bush's "surge", which he and then-Senator Obama once so fervently opposed.

    By any measure, the Obama presidency in just 13 months has been a self-inflicted disaster on a scale at least equal, if not beyond that of George Bush's two terms in office.
    I just love your talking points, they look to be straight from Rushes web site. I thought about taking each of your "talking points" and breaking them down and adding some much needed context, but it wouldn't make a difference. My fingers would hurt from the typing and you would probably just add more talking points to refute what I said.

    Talking points may be true, may be half-true or it may be an out and out lie. You never know because talking points don't provide context.

    For example lets just take one, the first one. Why do you think its taking longer than expected to close Gitmo. Do you think that there may be a class of detainee there who are serious terrorists but you can't try them because Bush's torture muddied the waters legally but you can't let them go either. The president puts a time frame on most issues hoping to hit it but knowing if a time frame is not put in place nothing gets done. Maybe to stay within the time frame the Obama administration should just set up a kangaroo court find them guilty then line them up and shoot them. Hey, that would take care of our timing problem.

    Each of the other talking points you have, could use the same sort of context applied.

  19. #19


    Shhhhh-hhhh, don't say that... [[keep it on the down-low) it's just the repubs who are whining. Everyone else, including the all the dems, moderates and indies are happy : P
    Quote Originally Posted by Det_ard View Post
    Lotta folks with buyers' remorse these days, on the right and on the left.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    BTW regardless of your opinion Obama will go down in history as one of the smartest presidents we ever had.
    Two of the smartest presidents [[and the most decent people to be president) in the history of the US were Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter. while they were both wonderful people, neither of their terms in office will go down in history as a "rousing success".

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Hermod View Post
    Two of the smartest presidents [[and the most decent people to be president) in the history of the US were Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter. while they were both wonderful people, neither of their terms in office will go down in history as a "rousing success".
    Yep, I get you loud and clear thats why I only said smart and not try to equate that to being successful or effective or any other term that could equate to a successful political outcome.

  22. #22


    Why do you think its taking longer than expected to close Gitmo. Do you think that there may be a class of detainee there who are serious terrorists but you can't try them because Bush's torture muddied the waters legally but you can't let them go either. The president puts a time frame on most issues hoping to hit it but knowing if a time frame is not put in place nothing gets done. Maybe to stay within the time frame the Obama administration should just set up a kangaroo court find them guilty then line them up and shoot them. Hey, that would take care of our timing problem.
    Brilliant response! "It's Bush's fault" that Obama can't make it happen within his own chosen "time frame". Come on, you can do better than that!

    First of all, the class of detainees remaining at Gitmo has nothing to do with the Obama administration's ability to deliver on the President's campaign promise and Executive Order to close Gitmo. As soon as he took office, he signed that Executive Order to close down the place by Jan. 31, 2010 - and I don't remember him saying that his Executive Order was just a "time frame", but maybe I missed that.

    Ten months later, long after it was clear to everyone but Obama that the timing of his Executive Order was unrealistic, Obama found a scapegoat - White House General Counsel Greg Craig - and fired his ass. It's been only within the past two weeks that Obama has finally asked for the $237 million needed to purchase and upgrade the prison in Illinois to house the Gitmo detainees. Obama and his advisers grossly underestimated the timing and magnitude of costs involved and regardless, they should have known that it would take congressional approval for the money, which wasn't in the 2009 budget.

    Speaking of a kangaroo court, that's exactly what Obama is going to provide KSM. Between his statements and those of his press secretary prejudging the outcome, it's been made clear to his defense team that this is nothing but a show trial, regardless of where it will be held..

  23. #23


    We do have do concede that Obama has done nothing to protect us from the Antichrist.

    Thank dog the Republicans never stop thinking of ways to keep us safe and keep the government from passing laws regulating our bodies. Er, well, those of us that lack uteruses anyway...Thank you, Mark Cole [[R) Virginia.


  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Brilliant response! "It's Bush's fault" that Obama can't make it happen within his own chosen "time frame". Come on, you can do better than that!
    Thats really not an excuse but a reality that Obama was left with. It complicates everything the man is trying to undo but some folks tend to forget about thus the need to be reminded of from time to time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    First of all, the class of detainees remaining at Gitmo has nothing to do with the Obama administration's ability to deliver on the President's campaign promise and Executive Order to close Gitmo. As soon as he took office, he signed that Executive Order to close down the place by Jan. 31, 2010 - and I don't remember him saying that his Executive Order was just a "time frame", but maybe I missed that.
    The five different classes of detainees Obama faced
    had a lot to do with his ability to deliver on the campaign promise. I would venture to say that he wasn't aware of the extent of the illegal.activities of the Bush administration until he was briefed as president

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Ten months later, long after it was clear to everyone but Obama that the timing of his Executive Order was unrealistic, Obama found a scapegoat - White House General Counsel Greg Craig - and fired his ass. It's been only within the past two weeks that Obama has finally asked for the $237 million needed to purchase and upgrade the prison in Illinois to house the Gitmo detainees. Obama and his advisers grossly underestimated the timing and magnitude of costs involved and regardless, they should have known that it would take congressional approval for the money, which wasn't in the 2009 budget.
    I grant you the fact that Obama misjudged the timing, of closing the facility given the obstructionism of the other party and the various NIMBY's who didn't want to let "dangerous terrorist" in their secure prisons. But honestly what upset you more the fact that the timing is off, or that he's closing it or both. If its the first I think your kinda nitpicking, because at least its getting done, if its the second I think thats a little more reasonable.

    Maybe Obama should be more like Bush. If he wants something just push it through Congress and don't fund it

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Speaking of a kangaroo court, that's exactly what Obama is going to provide KSM. Between his statements and those of his press secretary prejudging the outcome, it's been made clear to his defense team that this is nothing but a show trial, regardless of where it will be held..
    So, it doesn't make any difference how KSM is tried, why are we arguing about the proper venue for the trial

  25. #25


    Thats really not an excuse but a reality that Obama was left with.
    That's nothing but a talking point designed to deflect attention away from the incompetence of this administration.

    I would venture to say that he wasn't aware of the extent of the illegal.activities of the Bush administration until he was briefed as president
    That's nothing but a talking point designed to deflect attention away from the incompetence of this administration.
    given the obstructionism of the other party
    That's nothing but a talking point designed to deflect attention away from the incompetence of this administration.

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