Uh, we are blaming this woman for what now?! She wasn't walking down the street alone, she was in a building and you're saying she was putting herself at risk? The way you people talk you act like if you don't have an armed posse or a sherman tank you're putting yourself in harms way.
In a way, this is true in Detroit. However I for one find it TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.
Call Detroit police? I think she was smart not to. They wouldn't show up. Just wouldn't. Police Department? They'd likely just be rude to her to have her fill out a report and file it somewhere. If I were Canadian I'd just get the hell out of Detroit and never leave Canada. You know they don't have this kind of shit there. And Windsor is no rich-ass city, they just don't tear each other to pieces like here.
I'll make sure I'm never home alone at night since it is apparently stupid to be alone in a building in Detroit. Looks like I'll have to step up my game if I need to have company every night.