Quote Originally Posted by Magnatomicflux View Post
Strange. While most of you have got all up in arms defending your city againts GOATs statement, you've gone ahead and confirmed what he said by blaming this victim.
In a nut shell, you've said "she had it comin'"
or, if you prefer
"If you superglue your ass cheeks to a glory hole, don't expect to not get F***ED." Nice! Best defense of the city I've read so far.

If this had happened to a native Detroiter, I doubt these claims of the story being false, or for some personal gain would even be surfacing. As a matter of fact.......most of you would be going on and on about what a third world country Detroit has become, and you know it.
Actually people have called bs on many Detroiters. My issue is that Goat never preaches when something happens to a Detroiter. He seems to think that Detroiters have it coming for being dumb enough to live in the city.