If I were older then 2 back in 71 maybe I would be of more help. There are dealerships I remember in Plymouth, Yet the ones back in the 50's,60's and 70's escape me cause of my age.
I used to make deliveries for the dry cleaner I worked for back in 86/87. AnnArbor Rd and Plymouth for that matter is different as night and day for the most part.
Crossing I-275 you had Don Massey Cadillac,Hines Park L-M,. At Mill St /Lilley Rd . There was Colony C-P and across the street Dick Scott Buick. When you hit MainSt you have Dick Scott Dodge. And last up by Sheldon Rd there was Sunshine Honda.
But in 20 some years things have changed.A new Saturn dealer and a new location for the Honda dealer,DickScott Dodge got a new showroom, While his Buick dealer moved in with Bob Jeanotte,and that building became a Jaguar dealer,a Mitsubishi dealer to ? as to what it is today. And Colony got the Jeep and got rid of Plymouth as It became Fox Hills, and is gonna be a memory like Allison/Edelbrock Chevy. Whew that was a scan of my brain.
On Friday it seemed I drove everywhere and to tell you this was after work I was still thinking of the old dealers that once lined the streets I drove.