I was looking at the website " The Making of Modern Michigan ", which had a bunch of old Packard photos, which included the assembly line snapshots. The post-war photos showed a " body drop " in which the car body was lowered onto the chassis.It seems to me, that the assembly line was on the ground or 1st floor,running parallel with Concord Street. There is a Youtube video, of a young man riding a moped from the south end, over E.G.B., and out the parking garage. Anyways, after he crosses over E.G.B., there is a large square opening in the floor. Could this have been the body drop opening? Any Packard Plant explorers out there? What does it look like down below? Also, the large building on the south end; the one along Concord, that was torn down last year.......Is this where all the painting was done? Thank You!