Quote Originally Posted by 5thSFGP View Post
I think to use the term "white middle class" there tends to be a rather broad stroke. The reality is that the majority of those who could afford to look elsewhere - did, and still do. What Coleman had to gain by reaching out to all groups was a continuation of a potential tax base that financed the services of the city - in all areas, which in turn would have held opportunities in education, employment, etc., that would have enabled the city to prosper. Now I realize that that concept may not have been politically correct then, but it's easy to see what the results of his administration have been and continue to be. The sad part is that he was elected and re-elected based on some pretty superficial factors - race for example, not accomplishments. Sadly, it does not appear to have changed much . . . .
I'm not sure what any of that has to do with my post. You asked whether Young was too "stupid and egotistical" to recognize the implications of his actions. I'm suggesting that those actions may have worked to his political benefit, regardless of their overall impact on the city, and may have been motivated more by his pragmatic desire to further his political career than by stupidity or egotism. Of course, I'm just speculating; I have no idea what Young's actual motivations were for making the choices he made about how to run the city and how to talk to the press. I'm just pointing out one plausible explanation.

As for whether Young was a good or a bad mayor, well, I don't have a strong opinion about that. Maybe I'm the only person in this town who doesn't. I'm too young to personally remember much of his time in office, and I think the city probably would have gone to shit between the early 70s and the early 90s no matter who was mayor. He did some good things, he did some bad things, and I think both his admirers and detractors tend to overstate his impact because he was such a polarizing figure.

As far as "people live where they can afford to live, then as now," you really can't have that discussion without bringing race into it, and you don't seem willing to do that. I guess I should leave it at that.