Quote Originally Posted by eriedearie View Post
You could use it with ham. I've never put it on a sandwich tho. The chutney or fruit salsa I've never had.

I'm with you on the pasty - wouldn't put anything with them. They are to be tasted and devoured As Is - IMO!

And you must be my long lost sista! I'm the only one in the family that will eat fish without tartar sauce. My mom will cover any fish with tartar sauce till it's dripping in it - then she'll make a remark that the fish is sooooo good! I ask her how the tartar sauce is! LOL
I don't know from chow chow, but the purpose of chutney is to help cool the hot Indian dishes that it was originally served with. I believe it was created by the British when they occupied India during the Raj. My guess is the other similar condiments would be spin offs.