Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
I drive a pretty hard line on panhandlers. I simply don't respond to them. I cannot take my focus off of what I am doing, handling my business, going to and fro or getting out of or into my car to open my purse or dig into a pocket.

That momentary 'distraction' has garnered more than the giver was intending to give as we have seen in recent news. Sadly, the distraction thing CAN be an opportunity for mugging or worse...
Yes. Someone earlier in the thread said that all these panhandlers really want is "human interaction" and you should just talk to them for a bit. I can't believe how freaking naive some people are.

If I acknowledged every person who approached me on the street trying to get money from me, I'd never get to where I was going. And I sure as hell am NOT taking out my wallet.

And none of the people here who admit to giving them money should feel the least bit good or proud about it. You are HURTING these people by giving them money. You are enabling and subsidizing their self-destructive drug and alcohol addictions. Stop it.