Second day I was at the corner of Grand River and Joy road. There was a Woolworth's on the corner which had been looted and burned. My friends and I saw a group of children enter the store. We thought it might be dangerous for them and wanted to get them out. There were cops all around the area. Being young, stupid and bulletproof I decided to try to get the kids out. Didn't work, couldn't even find them. Cops saw me coming out of the store and told me to stop. I didn't, at least until one of them hit me in the face with the butt of his shotgun. A few other cops joined in on the fun.

Broke some teeth and opened a gushing wound on my chin. Lots of blood. They put me in a cop car and pounded on me some more, just for good measure I guess. Arrested, locked up, wearing a white t-shirt covered in blood. The charge was looting and assaulting a police office. They eventually just dropped the charges and let me go.

What I realize now, looking back at it, is how scared and and angry those cops were. Also, how incredibly stupid I was.