This guy's a fool, and a racist fool at that. He also doesn't seem to have the slightest idea what he's talking about. Detroit needs MORE immigration, not less. America's most successful cities have all benefited immensely from the economic activity and energy generated by immigrants. Increased immigration has been a boon to American cities over the past couple of decades, much as it was 100 years ago, and has saved many of them from the desolation and declining population of the '70s and '80s.

The fact that Detroit has largely missed out on this trend is one of the things that has hurt us the most. Other cites, with more diverse and strong economies, changed, grew, redeveloped, and prospered, while we sat here fighting our petty decades-old racial battles and acting like big momma auto industry was going to come back home and save us from having to grow and diversify our economy. Even so, many of the areas that are doing best around here, especially in terms of small business and commercial strip survival are those that have seen an influx of immigrants.

Oh, and the 'Great Society' programs were 40+ years ago. Most of them were curtailed or choked off within a few years by the Nixon administration, and those that were not have almost entirely disappeared through subsequent administrations. Beating those, and the now long-gone Coleman Young, is beating horses that are not only dead, but decayed into ancient dust.