LOL @ checkraisej!

I like the debit card idea and he would feel like such a grown up! Plus that may keep him from giving away his money, he's good for that, he's so freehearted to a fault. I definitely don't want him to be standing around like Mr. Big Bucks but that's another good thing about the debit card is that no one will know how much he actually has to spend.

Blueidone, you've NEVER been? I can't believe I let my kids grow up without ever taking them, time just FLEW by so fast. This is my youngest and I'm glad he's able to go because my others became adults so quickly lol. We will probably all go as a family later this summer.

The backpack idea is also great - I remember getting soaking wet just walking past some of those water rides and then we just walked around and dried in the sun. Actually, if he takes a backpack, he could pack it with snacks and that would cut down on him needing to spend so much money on their food, and just buy one hot meal for lunch.

These are great suggestions!! Thanks everyone!