Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
I can answer that. In seven years, Greektown will be Greektown in name only. In the beginning of the story, one of the twins who own Mosaic pointed out that the area is getting younger, hipper and more modern.

The disappearing of Greektown reminds me of the last episode of the Sopranos, Made in America when the tour bus was going through Little Italy and the guide was explaining how vast Little Italy was and somehow it shrank to a few blocks. The scene showed Phil Leotardo's crew walking in Little Italy but ended up in Chinatown
I remember that same scene from the Sopranos, it went by pretty quick, maybe a 1 minute scene, but it had a lot of symbolism behind it.

In seven years, I hate to say that there would be no Greek restaurants left, but the way that it is evolving, it very well looks like that may be the truth. Could you really even call the Greektown Casino the "Greektown" Casino if there where no Greek restaurants or influences left in Greektown?

If any Greek restaurant can hold on the longest I hope it is Golden Fleece, they are really the most "authentic" place in Greektown now. The New Parthenon is still pretty good as well.

***What do you guys think will be the future for Cyprus Taverna and the New Hellas demolished site?