Park Henry was the bar I was thinking of not Henrys, Was Sweethearts on the corner, could have swore it had a side street entrance not a 3rd street address. Its sad to hear about Sabbs being Torched, I was doing the Google Streets thing this morning and seen Sabbs still there.
Heres a few Interesting stories about Sabbs.
A much older friend, 21 or so, Bugs was Stabbed to death on the corner of Sabbs, just outside the bar/store in the 1970s.
Once the BIG4 entered a packed Sabbs from the rear, My mother was sitting in the middle at the bar.the gentleman sitting to her right nudged her and handed her a pistol, she in turn with a WTF look on her face dropped it into the trash can to her left, according to her before it was all over she was handed a bunch of pistols knives drugs,all of which she discarded into the trash. talk about your classic pass it down moment.
In the late 80's I went to visit my Mom at Sabbs, she wasnt working yet, there was a beautiful 1970 SuperBee in the parking lot, I walked in and asked whose car it was, and met the gentleman sitting at the bar. He asked if i wanted to buy it, I asked how Much he said 250.00, I told him I only had about 80.00 he said I'll take it! I left with the car directly afterward. The next day My mother calls me and demanded that I return the car, seems as though I should not take advantage of people that are drunk. I did as told, on a sidenote a few years later virtually the same thing happened with a Pontiac TransAm, this time how ever I did not return the car .
I never understood how people could allow themselves to care so little about anything other than getting drunk or high.