Quote Originally Posted by stinkbug View Post
I'm ashamed of my fellow Catholics for abandoning the beautiful churches built by their ancestors which are of truly amazing and inspiring proportions...in favor of what are essentially strip malls in the exburbs. Oh well...closer to their subdivisions; further from black people.
You made an excellent point. Yes, one reason for abandoned churches is the population decline in Detroit city, BUT it was made worse by the fact
that the Roman Catholic Church in the USA has RARELY made itself welcoming to Afican Americans, and thus you have more empty Catholic Churches than needed to be. It is one of many, many, reasons that I am a PROUD


....and before any of you blindly, loyal Cathoilcs start any of your whining about it's open season on the Catholic Church. In our great nation every institution is subject to scutiny, the RC church is no different.