Quote Originally Posted by Satiricalivory View Post
But the fact remains, the world runs on human labor and that isn't changing probably ever. 100% automation is sci-fi fantasy.
Depends on what you mean by automation. LEGO just opened a 1.7 million square foot factory in Virginia that runs 24/7. It employs 1700 staff. So that's a bit over 500 per shift. Nearly all the jobs are technicians and janitors, with a handful of loaders and truck drivers. The technicians are mainly molding machine maintenance workers. The only actual manufacturing work humans do are loading plastic pellets into one side of the factory, and loading pallets of boxes into trucks on the other.

Tesla and Toyota are currently building the equivalent for cars. Humans will load steel coils and parts into one end of the factory, and the cars will self-drive out the other end. They'll be a few maintenance workers and QC inspectors, and that's it.