Quote Originally Posted by Atticus View Post
The Hudson Block is simply a much better quality office facility than the RenCen is, or could be. GM is getting a state of the art facility. That fact itself is good for the company, good for Detroit, good for Michigan. Yes it would have been better if some out-of-state Fortune 500 company was lured to relocate to the block, but that wasn’t realistic. Short of that, this is probably the next best thing.

As for the posts about how renovation of the RenCen side towers to hotel/residential being too cost prohibitive.., I am old enough to have heard very similar things said about the Book Tower, Metropolitan Bldg, David Whitney, etc. But those happened, and on a square foot by square foot comparison, a hypothetical RenCen conversion to hotel/lodging will cost a lot less than restoration of those historic jewels.
A fortune 500 company still can be lured into moving to the Block. GM is only occupying two floors. Bedrock should focus on getting an international corporation to open an office in the Block instead of the usual suspect such as Blue Cross Blue Shield.