But yet houses sell for $500k and up and even though a million will buy you a somewhat cool multi story building downtown it appears to be nothing like downtown Detroit was in the 80s 90s where you could buy a high rise for a couple of million.

They have included free events,so a destination,somebody that maybe overwhelmed by Detroit,it may appeal to them in a more intimate setting.

Or they can just throw up their hands and say screw it,we are not very vibrant let’s just do nothing,if people had said that back then in downtown Detroit it would not have laid the foundation for today.

Its 1800 rooms available,it’s not like they are going to be swarmed with uncontrollable crowds that would be expensive to control,it’s something they are doing to draw interest without spending millions,good for them for being proactive.

I hope it is a productive and safe event for both cities,and I do not even like football.