When talking about DTW transit to/from Downtown, be it rail or bus, it’s important to remember there are two “audiences” for that transit.

Group 1: The first is the group of people who work at the airport including concession workers, baggage handlers, janitors, and the numerous other non-professional jobs employed at a large airport. This group is not high income, with many in a final situation that having reliable, inexpensive transit would improve quality of life, as paying for a car is a financial burden.

Group 2: The second group consists of visitors by air to Detroit, and higher income professionals living downtown, who may or may not own a car, and are flying from/to DTW.

The existing FAST bus targets group 1. This new bus service targets group 2. It’s also import to acknowledge that the needs of the two groups are different, so having one bus route for both isn’t ideal.