There was one by our old house, and the nearest one to our new house is still the old one, so it's a little inconvenient to shop there.

In general, they have lower prices on most name-brand things, and their house-brands tend to be about the same quality at a lower price point than the name brands. The produce, at the one we went to at least, was pretty bad, and their meat selection was just OK.

They use warehouse club tactics to save money. They don't bother unboxing stuff, they wheel it out in the shipping cartons and tear off the top and side so you can get at it. They have an ingenious quarter-deposit system to make you bring the cart back to the store so they don't need cart attendants. The end results of all this is they don't need to employ as many workers, which keeps costs low.

I'm not sure how many more stores they are opening in Michigan, but a big part of their recent expansion is the purchase of the entire Winn-Dixie chain, which is mostly in the southern states.