Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post

ECV's only make sense at the $40,000 - $200,000 price point, where the owners all have garages with $1,800 Level 2 chargers installed. And even then, no one in their right mind would park a BYD in their garage.
I have a '20 Bolt that I bought after the '21s had come out. Brand new with bells and whistles, I bought it for $21K+ including taxes, license, and mysterious dealer expenses. If you do a lot of long distance back road driving or depend on pubic electricity, I wouldn't recommend an EV. However, as a second vehicle that is charged at home, it's the vehicle I prefer. I hook up the charger in less time than it takes the garage door to come down. In the morning, it is ready to go. I don't miss gas stations and plopping down $40 for a tank of gas. It's more fun to drive. It's quieter and accelerates faster than any car I've owned. One of my sons installed the charger in my garage. I frequently drive 80 miles each way RT with no need to charge it. On the interstates, Walmart's chargers take about a half hour while I am inside buying stuff.

EV's are the future. The technology is improving at a faster rate than ICE engines. Charging times are decreasing while miles per charge are increasing. Democrats are out to destroy the efficacy of fossil fuels. It is imperative that Chinese EV's not be allowed in or our dollars leave the Country and we will have more Flints.

Republicans are being stupid about holding back this new technology because of some sort of luddite belief narrative. I say that as someone who doesn't vote for Democrats. The fire thing is hyped. Only one 2020 Bolt ever caught fire the last I've heard but GM replaced my battery with 36,000 for free anyway.