A host of officials in the public and private sectors are considering whether passenger trains can return to the former depot on Michigan Avenue in the Corktown neighborhood, including rail service to Canada. A conceptual document by Amtrak shared last week during a press conference in Windsor suggests service could start as early as 2027, though many details remain to be finalized, including a border security facility.

The last train left the station in January 1988, and the massive Corktown building was closed and decaying for decades before Ford Motor Co. bought it in 2018 and is in the midst of transforming it into a hub for the "future of global mobility." Where a future train stop would be located is to be determined. If not in the renovated train station itself, a future train stop might operate near the Innovation Center or somewhere in or near the 30 acres of Corktown that Ford calls its campus, according to a proposed vision document by Amtrak obtained by The Detroit News and confirmed by VIA Rail Canada, Michigan Department of Transportation and Mayor Mike Duggan's office.Still, officials insisted the idea is at such an early stage that it is almost too soon to discuss publicly.
“We are excited about the possibility of bringing passenger rail back to the Michigan Central district," Michigan Central spokeswoman Catherine Kelly said in a statement to The News. "We believe that the expansion of passenger rail would be an important step for transit and mobility. Though it is early on, we look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders."
Officials from Amtrak, the state of Michigan Department of Transportation and VIA Rail Canada also emphasized how nascent the idea remains.
"Use of the word 'plan' is an overstatement," said Marc Magliari, an Amtrak spokesman. "There are ideas under discussion about a proposed service by Amtrak into Windsor to connect with VIA Rail Canada," he said, which includes the idea of using Michigan Central. Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens last week touted Michigan Central as a stop in a proposed train route from Chicago to Toronto. Windsor officials also provided a map of a future train station stop at Michigan Central.