Does anyone have any information regarding the Selective Service locations for mobilization of the armed forces in 1941? My father lived on the near west side [[Euclid) and was drafted into the US Army in June, 1941- his discharge papers indicate Selective Service #31, Wayne County, Michigan. From what I have read, there was an office within the city for every 30,000 [[population? draft eligible?). I am guessing there would be at least 10 offices....maybe more.
Also, does anyone know if Fort Wayne was an Army induction center at that time? I know that it was for WWI, Korea, and Vietnam; also a POW camp for Italian prisoners later during the war, and a weapons depot. I also have learned that a lot of Michigan draftees were inducted at Fort Sheridan, north of Chicago.
Trying to figure out where my dad went early in his military service.