Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
Things I believe:

1) Racism remains a problem, but one on the wane until BLM and CRT.

2) Thiss has nothing to do with 'conservatism'

2) Pre-BLM, race relations were improving

3) Critical Race Theory as being brought from academia to schools and workplaces is divisive and counter-productive.

4) The argument that 1/3 of the country is racist is an insulting generalization that runs counter to my experience and the lives of most people.

5) The media is pushing this narrative for self-serving reasons. [[And that includes Silicon Valley social media.). Have you read the Time Magazine story on this?

The most important thing I know is that the labelling of 1/3 of the country as racist is a political narrative. I ask that you think very hard about this, lest you be part of the problem and not the solution.

[[You make a good point about teaching kids.... the question is whether to teach them hatred of 1/3 of the population, or to teach them by example. The Trump intertwinement is easy to explain. Lesser of two evils. That you may not see the evil in the establishment right now is IMO a problem.)
2a) It absolutely does. Conservatives have embraced Donald Trump. American flags removed and replaced with Trump flags. I watched it happen all over. Some of those Trump flags are still out there. Donald Trump and the people that surround him have normalized racist and hateful speech. Donald Trump tells police officers at their academy graduation to rough up detainees. The GOP has bent the knee to Donald Trump and still does to this day.

Conservatism, Donald Trump, racism, and religious hatred\intolerance are all intertwined. They all compliment each other very well.

2b) If you're trying to say that people demanding that police not summarily execute unarmed black people has a negative effect on race relations, you're right. It makes the white power structure pissed off. First slavery is abolished. Then black people start getting equal rights. Then they're allowed to start living in neighborhoods with white people. And now we're trying to make it so that police can't shoot black people for no reason!?

I'm all for police using the force they need to use to go home safe. Sometimes the police have to kill. However, we're not holding them accountable for when they've done things wrong and murdered the Americans they're supposed to be protecting.

4) That's not the argument that I was trying to make. A third of the country embraces conservatism\Trumpism that has intertwined itself with racism. Maybe they embrace it because they're racist. Or maybe they embrace it because of the unborn babies [[but yet whine about wearing a fucking mask because they're hypocrites that don't actually care about "life").

5) I'm not in love with the media, but I think the conservative crowd is boogey-manning on them too hard. I have drastically reduced my media consumption because of how much opinion is injected to it.